Fliss, May 14 2010

'Frock me' we've been busy bees!

'Frock me' we've been busy bees!


In April we found ourselves back in Hertford for Holly’s vintage fair, then back to Brighton for our very first Rosilee Clothing, plus Fi & Phil of Togged to the Bricks, who also joined us at our very own ‘A-Fayre to Remember’ craft & vintage fair. Rosilee's glamorous hats are a colourful, elegant tribute to the 40s & 50s.

We fell in love with Togged to the Bricks’ excellent selection of 30’s-50’s clothing. Felicity bagged herself an amazing cream lace 40s dress and a lilac lace prom belonging to the 50s for a very fair price indeed! It was impossible to resist such a selection!

Hertford1b blog

Jess & Felicity also love the banter involved in having their cousin Wes at the Hertford fairs, with his fab selection of vintage comics and framed romance comics. Now, Voyager now proudly owns two of these girly goodies!

We were delighted with a visit from local boutique Amanda Ralph Wardrobe, who selected boats, birds and cake hair pieces to be used in a local Hertford children’s fashion show.

The following week we were off to Brighton, determined to relax the evening before the fair for a change! After a quick walk to the beach, we spent our evening on the fastest of pier rides, trying to keep our lunches down! Jessie Rose kindly put us up again, and the least we could do was give her a new birdie for her hair as our thank you.

Frock me blog

Frock me we were organised the morning of the fair, set up a full half hour before the doors opened, we must be finally getting the hang of this! Jess was pleased with her Now, Voyager does Gaga style coke can hair clip, insisting that she needed one after falling in love with the ‘Telephone’ video.

We were surrounded by lots of new faces and vintage galore! Jess had her eyes on a light beige faux fur jacket but couldn’t decide if she could pull it off. Felicity got a lovely hand-made gardening apron to use for hair accessory making-it can get a little messy, glue strings are like cobwebs!

After a pleasant day, we said goodbye to Brighton until mid-June, when we return as part of Brighton Fashion Week. We are super-excited about charming our way into that one!

Cake & Kisses,

Felicity & Lauren

Now, Voyager

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